How to Test Your Home for Mold and What to Do About It

Petri dish with moldsBecause mold loves warm and humid places as well as areas with very little light, there are a few areas in your home that can develop molds, such as your bathroom, kitchen, and basement. As such, it is important to understand that, under the right conditions, mold can begin to grow rather quickly. You can experience a mold problem within as little as 24 hours. Because mold is known to cause a variety of respiratory issues, it is important to detect and remove mold as soon as possible.

Test for mold

A surface that is potentially harboring mold can often be difficult to distinguish from one that is simply dirty as both can appear blackened. A simple test you can conduct is to add a few drops of household bleach to the area in question. After dropping bleach on the surface, you should wait two minutes. If the blackened area has lightened, you most likely have mold. However, if the area remains dark, it is most likely just dirt. Because mold can cause a variety of health issues, if you have any doubt as to whether you have a mold problem, you can purchase a mold test kit.

Moldy carpet

Mold in your carpet can be the result of a variety of things, such as a flood or a spill that was not cleaned up. No matter the source, you must soak up any water or moisture as soon as possible as doing so will help to reduce the likelihood that mold will grow. To clean any visible or suspected mold, the best carpet cleaner that you can use white vinegar. As vinegar is a mild acid, it is capable of killing 82 percent of mold species.

To kill the mold, you can simply pour vinegar into a spray bottle. You should make sure not to add water as doing so will dilute its effectiveness. Next, you should spray the vinegar directly onto the carpet. If you notice mold deep within the fibers, you can scrub the carpet with a toothbrush to ensure the vinegar reaches down into the rug. With the vinegar applied you should let it sit for an hour. After one hour, you should wipe the area with water. You should then be sure to blot the area, and if needed, you can use a fan or a dehumidifier to ensure the area dries completely. If the smell of vinegar lingers, there is no need to worry as it will dissipate over the next few hours.

Moldy surface

You can also use white vinegar to clean mold growing on any other type of surface. However, if you do not like the smell of vinegar, baking soda will work, too. For instance, you can simply mix one-quarter of a tablespoon of baking soda into a spray bottle filled with water. Next, you should shake the bottle until the baking soda dissolves completely. With the solution in hand, you can spray the area and use a scrub brush to help remove the mold. Finally, you should make sure to rinse the surface with clean water and dry it with a clean towel.
